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Thank you for the nice words! Glad I can teach people something new.

Dark mode is outside the scope of individual apps. It's the job of desktop environments. Tk should pick it up automatically since it uses native controls on Windows and Mac. Unfortunately, on Linux or BSD it takes cues from KDE of all things, so that's a no for most of us. Maybe things will improve in future versions.

(1 edit)


i keep getting this error when i try to run this app in Visual Studio Code:

_tkinter.TclError: bad event type or keysym "KP_Up"

Error starts from this line:

File "c:\Users\lacro\Downloads\", line 880, in <module>

top.bind("<KP_Up>", lambda e: move_up())

Do you have any idea how to fix this? Your app looks pretty nice for keeping track of gamedev tasks. Hope we can find out the solution together :)

I'm on Windows 10 btw

I've no idea why that particular key wouldn't be supported on Windows, sorry.

Wait. What version of Python do you have? Or better yet, can you figure out what Tcl/Tk it is?

Okay so my VS Code is using Python 3.9.6 

And TK seems to be the 8.6 version. Is there anything else I can give you? :)

>>> tkinter.TkVersion

Nah, just making sure it's a recent version, just in case. In the mean time I thought of something else: try commenting lines 880-883, where it says:

top.bind("<KP_Up>", lambda e: move_up())
top.bind("<KP_Right>", lambda e: move_right())
top.bind("<KP_Left>", lambda e: move_left())
top.bind("<KP_Down>", lambda e: move_down())

At least it should get OutNoted running, unless there are more issues. Hope this helps!

(1 edit) (+1)

So, that is exactly what I tried to do :) and it works fine, i can even Tab back to the writing box and down to the notes. 

Also, I managed to package the app with PyInstaller. So now i have it as a single .exe file that doesn't even open the console.

Yeah, it works now. Thanks for making this! And have a nice day :)