Imagine a turn-based game as alert and dynamic as any action RPG; it just waits for you to move. Imagine a game that takes good old ASCII art and lends it a new dimension — literally. This is Glittering Light 2: a coffeebreak rogue-lite that blends tradition and modernity. A few highlights:

  • simple rules that allow for strategy without overwhelming the player;
  • controlled with the arrows and three other keys, or the on-screen buttons;
  • abstract, surreal premise that doesn't detract from the gameplay;
  • colorful, richly decorated levels with a different layout every time;
  • played in short bursts; option to replay the same game and get farther.

The game requires a modern web browser, such as Opera 58 or Palemoon 28; also tested on Android 5.1 with the latest FOSS Browser.

As of 12 February 2020, the game is complete as originally intended.

As of the 29th, there are strafing keys and improved frustum culling.

How to play

You can control the game with the on-screen buttons, or else the keyboard:

  • arrow keys or WASD to move;
  • spacebar to attack / pick up items / interact;
  • Enter to wait a turn;
  • Escape to bring up the game menu;
  • in the menu, both space and Enter select, while Escape exits.

Walking over items also picks them up. Hidden commands: the Tab key takes you straight to the minimap from anywhere in the game; Control + left/right sends you strafing (not available with the on-screen buttons).


Apart from the in-game help, you might want to know a few things:

  • The portal is always in the southwest corner of the level; you'll usually spawn somewhere close to it.
  • It's best to first explore the area around the portal, but sometimes one last pile of glitter will be all the way in the opposite corner.
  • Grace determines how many moves you get versus other denizens of the maze.
  • Said denizens become weaker every time you attack them; if they're already right next to you, it's often better to fight than run.
  • That said, their attacks also steal your available moves temporarily, and so slow you down.

The game doesn't have a last level; just go as far as you can every time. I can get to level 7 (give or take) on most playthroughs.


Powered by the EightWay Engine.

Bedstead font by Ben Harris.

Music: Atmospheric puzzles by legoluft.

Sound effects by:


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Glittering Light got reviewed by the arcane cache, an utmost underground blog for utmost underground games:

Instead of moving an @ through a maze of lines, it feels like moving through a strange, mysterious world ... a game with a limited, set scope, where the atmosphere and the fundamental idea of the game are much more important than the balance or the gameplay ... a parabola on life itself.

Well done!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the nice words!

(1 edit) (+1)

It has been all my joy :).

Thank you for making great games, and for releasing them as FLOSS!

what game engine did you make this in?


None. It's coded by hand. Graphics are powered by my own engine called EightWay, that I based on a previous game.

(1 edit)

hi man i love the game also i love all ur games and i follow you good job man!

Deleted 1 year ago

There are ways to contact me that don't involve spamming.


Hello, long time no see.

This game can also be run in the Mypal browser. The game is a quite interesting 3D game actually. Sure!! By the way,  the second Jam for All BASIC Dialects will start later. Join it if you are interested in it.

Deleted 354 days ago

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Deleted 354 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

This... isn't a real time game. It's turn-based. It says so right there in the first paragraph. No, the mouse doen't do rotations because it's not a FPS and you can't rotate freely. It goes in 45-degree increments. Edit: also it's designed to work on mobile, which means no mouse.


This was really cool reminded me of old games like the og Rouge i love the retro graphics!

good game.

though i would recommend you have the player turn smoothly  when rotating

That's... literally impossible giving how the graphics engine works. But thanks.


im sorry i was unaware of that


Neat idea!  Always interesting to see unconventional character stats.


Thank you so much! Designing rules according to what the game is trying to underscore is an idea I picked up from the RPG Design Patterns book. People too easily forget that the average fantasy system made to support murderhobos slaughtering goblins is very, very political. And that's a problem.


That's something I think about a lot too.  It's why I settled on robots for my game, and then making them physical versions of online bots kind of sprang from that.  It's a superficial theme for now, but I hope to build on it.